

Karen McMahon is an osteopath, health, fitness and nutritional weight consultant.  She has always had a determined involvement in sports from gymnastics as a child through Kung Fu, football, running and now cycling, yoga and Pilates as an adult. Having suffered a number of injuries and repetitive strains Karen added Pilates to her training program 14 years ago, and this is where her passion for balance, posture and functional movement began.  Osgo is a welsh word which translates to 'posture', 'attitude', 'inclination' and 'air', a phrase which Karen felt encompassed the fundamentals of the clinics purpose which includes empowering clients to  heal themselves.

After turning Pilates into a full time vocation, Karen's thirst for knowledge continued, gathering a range of skills and qualifications to include a diploma in exercise referral, nutritional and weight management advice for chemical balance, soft tissue therapies to address physical dysfunction and outdoor exercise coaching for mental health. As a focal point of the clinic, mental health is viewed as the hub of a patients overall well being as dysfunction in the body will disrupt mental status and vice versa, at Osgo Clinic, osteopathy is used to treat the whole patient as a unit of mind and body.

The ability to diagnose dysfunction, determine the cause, provide treatment using a range of skills and then use private Pilates instruction to rehabilitate or maintain gives Karen a unique advantage as a therapist.


BSc Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathic training (SCCO) including functional facial manipulation and paediatric first year of life
Spinal Manipulation
Diploma in Soft Tissue Manipulation (part 1 and 2)
Medical Acupuncture
Kinesiology Taping
Sports Taping
Sports Massage
Diploma in Exercise referral
Diploma in Instructing Pilates
Advanced Exercise, Health and Fitness Instruction - Applying the principles of nutrition
Nordic Walking Instructor
Gym Instructor

Karen is also a member of the Institute of Osteopathy.

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